Memalukan! TKW Asal Tulungagung Dilaporkan Gara-gara Ajak Mes*m Majikan & Bersikap Lancang! - Pria itu tampaknya sudah sangat jengkel dengan kelakuan tenaga kerja wanita (TKW) yang bekerja di rumahnya.

Kepada Kementerian Tenaga Kerja Singapura (Singapore Ministry of Manpower, MoM), Ia lantas melaporkan buruh migran Indonesia (BMI) asal Kapten Kesihin, Tulungagung, Jawa Timur itu.

Pria itu membagikan cerita dengan menyebutkan sederet perilaku tidak menyenangkan sang TKW ke Facebook, Kamis (28/12/2017).

Sebelumnya dalam tulisan yang ia bagikan ke Facebook, pria berkacamata itu mengaku telah memberikan berbagai fasilitas untuk sang TKW.

"Kami telah menyediakan untuknya kamar ber-AC, tempat tidur, meja rias, lemari pakaian, makanan yang tak terbatas, pakaian, kebersihan, dan kami juga mengizinkannya berkomunikasi dengan siapapun melalui kartu isi ulang yang kami beli.

Dia juga mendapat akses wi-fi gratis, iPad untuk membuka Youtube dan Netflix, selama jam istirahatnya (yang tidak ditentukan, kami memberinya kebebasan untuk beristirahat saat dia mau).

Kami juga mengizinkannya menggunakan ponsel kapanpun asal tidak mengganggu pekerjaan," tulisnya melalui akun Dzar Ismail.

Ia menyertakan foto-foto sang TKW dengan identitas lengkapnya yang disembunyikan.

Pria itu kemudian menuliskan sikap-sikap si TKW yang telah merusak kepercayaannya.

Mengenakan kaus miliknya dan tanktop serta gaun panjang istrinya tanpa izin, wanita 24 tahun itu juga berpose dengan gitar milik istrinya tanpa izin.

Bahkan, karena kelancangan TKW itu, pria itu berani mengatakan tidak akan pernah mencium istrinya lagi.

Pada satu foto ia menuliskan, "Ia menggunakan lipstick MAC milik istriku. Aku tidak akan pernah mencium istriku lagi karena dia menggunakan lipstick itu!"

Namun, ketika menemukan akun Instagram TKW itu, Dzar malah menemukan berbagai foto yang membuatnya meradang.

"Beberapa pelanggaran bersifat serius itu termasuk:

-Mengajak berhubungan badan.
-Minum-minum di kamarku.
-Memotret putriku saat mandi.
-Diduga melecehkan putriku.
-Mencari konten pornografi di ponselnya.
-Memperlihatkan alamat rumah kami ke umum.
-Mengajarkan putriku untuk membuka kaki dan menyentuh bagian-bagian intim di tubuhnya.
-Berkali-kali memberikan putriku makanan kedaluwarsa. Kami baru saja mengetahuinya sepulang kerja ketika putri kami muntah habis-habisan.
-Pergi keluar rumah saat kami tidur.
-Mengantar putriku ke sekolah satu jam lebih awal dan setelah itu pergi ke Clarke Quay dan Lucky Plaza untuk bertemu teman-temannya, sehingga terlambat 2 jam untuk menjemput putriku," lanjutnya.

Dzar Ismail mengaku sudah melaporkan TKW yang telah bekerja padanya selama 1 tahun 3 bulan itu ke MoM.

"Saat ini kami juga sedang memeriksakan kejiwaan putri kami," ungkap Dzar Ismail.

Berikut status Dzar Ismail yang kami kutip:

Dear Singapore Ministry of Manpower,

We would like to lodge a formal complaint and also take this opportunity to warn other potential agencies and employers. We have collectively decided to send back our helper, aged 24, who is currently residing in Kapten Kesihin, Tulungagung.

As an employer, we have kept our end of the deal by providing her a fully air-conditioned room, bed, dressing table, a wardrobe, unlimited allowance for food, clothings, sanitation, and have also allowed her to communicate with anyone via top-up cards that we buy. She was given free wi-fi, an apple ipad for Youtube and Netflix, during her rest hours (which is not stated, we just gave her the liberty to rest at will). She was also allowed to have a phone to use as long as it doesn't interfere with daily work. Or so we thought.

We came across her Instagram after several friends and family members raised the red flag. I have attached the screenshots of her activities. Some of the serious offences include:

- Soliciting for se*.
- Drinking beer in my room.
- Taking a photo of my daughter while showering.
- Suspected of sexually grooming my daughter.
- Surfing pornography on her phone.
- Disclosing where we live to the public.
- Taught my daughter to open her legs and touch her private parts.
- Repeatedly gave my daughter expired food. We only found out after work when our daughter was vomiting badly. 
- Goes out of our house when we are asleep.
- Send my daughter to school an hour early and after the drop off, goes to Clarke Quay and Lucky Plaza to meet her friends which made her late (2 hours) to pick up our daughter.

We have called our agency, and upon the advise of the owner, she have advised us to immediately send her back and write a report to the Ministry of Manpower.

I have asked several employers and the feedback they have given is that, it is still possible for a FDW to return to Singapore on a different passport with a different identity. I’d like to have the assurance that she will be blacklisted from working or even entering the country. I am willing to co-operate with ICA, SPF and other relevant authorities to make sure other employers do not go through the harrowing and traumatic experience that we have went through. We are also currently sending our daughter for psychiatric assessment.

She has been working with us for 1 year, 3 months.

Dzar Ismail

*Details of FDW and agency has been omitted out as this post is for public viewing. A separate email has been sent to the relevant authorities. Be safe, people!


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